The Arcanum #12

The newsletter of fantasy author J.H. Fleming

Hello, everyone! If you're seeing this, it means you signed up for my newsletter at some point in time. Don't worry, I'm not going to flood your inbox. I do like to give you guys regular updates, though. Let's get started!

From our trip to Ireland in 2019

What Am I Working On?

Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

The Blackbriar Coven: I’ve passed 40,000 words for this book! I’m currently on track to finish it in January, and I’m so excited to see it in its new form. Those who have been following this newsletter for a while will know this is one I wrote a couple years back and have decided to completely rewrite, changing from third to first person, changing the age of the main character and her friends, and adding a lot more worldbuilding and plot elements. I love the way it’s coming together.

The Dark House at the Crossing of the Worlds: No update here. I’m still waiting to hear back from beta readers on this one.

What Have I Been Reading?

I’ve finally finished Accidental Demons by Clare Edge. I enjoyed many aspects of this book, but a few small things (specifically anytime the Irish language came up and the details were wrong) kept this from being a perfect read for me. The story was fun, though.

I was gifted Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott for Jolabokaflod, and I’ve really been enjoying it. Honestly, my interest was piqued the moment I realized the story involved Baba Yaga. So far, highly recommended!

What Have I Been Watching?

Phill and I watched season one last year and have been looking forward to season two. It dropped on December 26 and we’ve been watching one episode a night. As of this writing, we only have two episodes left, so we’ll be finishing it tomorrow night.

I’ve been really curious about season 2, considering how the first season ended. I wasn’t completely sure another season could live up to the first one, but in this case I’m glad to be proven wrong.

Warning that it’s a violent, bloody show and may not be for everyone.

Wildwood Minstrels

Photo by Europeana on Unsplash

The band has been hard at work meeting every week to practice, and I’m really happy with the progress we’re making! I’m hoping we’ll have at least one show this year, though there’s a possibility for more. And soon we’ll be working on new music!

Future Bestseller Podcast

Future Bestseller Podcast

Phill and I have been talking about the future of Future Bestseller Podcast. Though we haven’t come to a final decision yet, we’ll let you know if/when we’re coming back from hiatus.

Some Changes

A view of my desk

Well, I finally did it.

I’m down to just a single part-time job that only takes a couple hours a day. The rest of the time, I’m writing.

Well, and editing. And editing Phill’s books. And taking on a few Fiverr clients…

But mostly I’m working on my own books, and I’m so, so excited about that. I’ve been working, saving, and investing toward this goal for years, and I’m thrilled to finally make it a reality. I have some ambitious writing and publishing goals for 2025, and can’t wait to get to work.

Language Corner

In this section I like to share words from languages I’m learning. This month is more Irish words!

Patreon & Ko-fi

J.H. Fleming's Patreon

I post once a week on Patreon about all sorts of things: writing, books I’m reading, things going on in life. Once a month I also share sneak peeks at whatever book I’m working on. Now that I’ve started the new book, the next few months will be snippets of that. It would mean the world to me if you considered joining.

J.H. Fleming's Ko-fi

I am also on Ko-fi, which is sort of like Patreon, but with one key difference: you’re not locked into a subscription. Ko-fi allows readers to donate however often they’d like to creators they follow. No subscriptions if you don’t want them, no commitments, and you have control over when and how you donate. I don’t post quite as often on Ko-fi, but I’ve been having fun sharing little micro-stories there, if you’re interested.

Get in Touch

J.H. Fleming

I'm always happy to answer questions about my books, about writing in general, or whatever else strikes your fancy. Send me a message!

Thanks for reading!