The Arcanum #7

The newsletter of fantasy author J.H. Fleming

Hello, everyone! If you're seeing this, it means you signed up for my newsletter at some point in time. Don't worry, I'm not going to flood your inbox. I do like to give you guys regular updates, though. Let's get started!

A photo from a past girls’ trip with my family

What Am I Working On?

Mistwalker: I’m still waiting to receive final comments on this one. I expect to receive them soon, and when I do, I’ll drop everything else to finish it. I’m so close to being done with this one!

The Myth of Light: I’m currently in the middle of the final draft of this one, which is my read-aloud draft. I’ve always advocated for doing a read-aloud draft, mainly because it allows me to actually hear repetitive words and clunky sentences. I used to read my books aloud myself, but I could only do a couple chapters a day or I’d lose my voice. I was so happy to discover Scrivener has a robot voice that will read it for me. Its pronunciation is really weird sometimes, but it saves my voice and still gets the job done. I’m hopeful that I’ll finish this draft sometime this month.

The Dark House at the Crossing of the Worlds: I’ve finished going through this one again, received comments back from Phill, and have sent it off to my beta readers! As soon as I hear back from them, I’ll add it back to the query rotation.

The Last Mages of Greybrook: I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this one since I started my newsletter. It’s actually a slightly older book—my tenth. I’ve been submitting it for a few years, but I got similar feedback from two different people recently, so I figured it was worth going through one more time, especially since I hadn’t read it in a couple years. I finished going through it and sent it off to Phill to go through again, so once I hear back from him I’ll decide if further changes are needed and then add it back to the query rotation.

The Blackbriar Coven: This one is still sitting on the back burner. I’ll likely leave it there until I finish all the ones listed above. I’m excited to finally give it the attention it deserves, though, which should happen at the end of this month/beginning of September.

What Have I Been Reading?

I’m still reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I’m enjoying it so far, but it definitely has more of a literary bent. Not that that’s a bad thing—I think my brain is just in more of a traditional fantasy mood, so it’s going a bit slower than I’d like.

Wildwood Minstrels News!

Things are starting to happen behind the scenes! I’ll make an official announcement soon, but we’ve added a new member, and may add another.

We’re also writing original songs, so hopefully we’ll have a nice mixture of traditional and original songs for future albums and concerts. I’m really excited about all of this, and can’t wait to share more with you all!

Future Bestseller Podcast

Future Bestseller Podcast

Some of you may be following my podcast, but if not, consider yourself invited! On Future Bestseller Podcast, we talk about the craft and business of writing and feature various guests.

We recently spoke with Joshua Palmatier about writing, and got some insight into the world of anthologies.

Language Corner

I love languages, both learning to speak them and learning how they work. I minored in linguistics in college, and have been studying Irish for about eight years now. While I've also been learning Norwegian and Finnish, I've been focusing more on Irish lately.

Here, I like to share words I've learned in the various languages I'm studying.

Patreon & Ko-fi

J.H. Fleming's Patreon

Want more regular updates and sneak peeks at books I'm working on? Consider joining my Patreon! I typically post once a week and share snippets of drafts once a month.

And that's not all!

I also post exclusive short stories and plan to start sharing regular music-related videos. I'll have more news about that once I have the details ironed out. I hope to see you there!

Don’t want to subscribe but still want to support me? Consider donating through Ko-fi! The site offers one-time donations of whatever amount you like. I also share microfictions there, which are short snippets of stories told in just a few sentences. These are available to the public, meaning they’re FREE, so I hope you’ll check them out!

J.H. Fleming's Ko-fi

Get in Touch

J.H. Fleming

I'm always happy to answer questions about my books, about writing in general, or whatever else strikes your fancy. Send me a message!

Thanks for reading!