The Arcanum #6

The newsletter of fantasy author J.H. Fleming

Hello, everyone! If you're seeing this, it means you signed up for my newsletter at some point in time. Don't worry, I'm not going to flood your inbox. I do like to give you guys regular updates, though. Let's get started!

A photo from our trip to England

What Am I Working On?

The Axman of Autumn: I have finally finished editing this book for Phillip Drayer Duncan! This book was a lot of fun and I’m excited for people to finally get to read it!

Mistwalker: I received Mistwalker back from the editor and finished going though all the edits and comments. I’m really happy with how this one is turning out. I have one more person I’m sending it to this month, and once I’m done going through her edits, I’ll start submitting it.

The Myth of Light: I just finished going through all of Phill’s edits for this one, along with beta reader edits/comments. It’s shaping up nicely. All that’s left is the read-aloud draft, then I’ll finalize my query letter and synopsis and start sending this one out.

The Dark House at the Crossing of the Worlds: This is the one I often refer to as my Kelim book. It’s the first in a planned series, and is quite a bit creepier than my usual books. I actually have someone waiting for me to send this one to them, so I went through it again, made some changes, and sent it to Phill. He just got his edits back to me, so I’m going through it again. After that I’ll send it to my beta readers. I’m hoping to have all of that done within the next couple of months so I can send it on!

The Blackbriar Coven: This is currently the title of my first Mari book. I’ve changed this title a lot, so don’t get too attached—but it’s definitely my favorite of all the titles I’ve come up with. Anyway, I’ve put this one aside temporarily to focus on all the books listed above. But my hope is to be able to jump back into it next month and make some real progress.

What Have I Been Reading?

I recently finished A.G. Slatter’s The Briar Book of the Dead. I wrote a whole blog post about it, which will drop on my Patreon later this week, so be sure to check that out!

Spoiler, I really loved it!

I recently started The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. This one has been sitting in my TBR pile for a while, so I’m glad to finally dive into it.

Something Brewing…

I haven’t actually started it yet, and I’m not 100% sure when I will, what with all the other projects I have going on, but consider this your first notification that a new book is in the idea phase, slowly making its way into the light.

I hope to have more concrete news for you soon, but consider yourself warned!

Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

Wildwood Minstrels was at SoonerCon!

My folk band played at SoonerCon this year!

We had a lot of fun, and it sounds like we’ll be invited back next year.

If you’d like to follow our music-making, be sure to follow us on Facebook and check out our BandCamp page!

Future Bestseller Podcast

Future Bestseller Podcast

Some of you may be following my podcast, but if not, consider yourself invited! On Future Bestseller Podcast, we talk about the craft and business of writing and feature various guests.

We’re back!

We already have one new episode out, with another to follow this week. Be sure to check them out!

Language Corner

I love languages, both learning to speak them and learning how they work. I minored in linguistics in college, and have been studying Irish for about eight years now. While I've also been learning Norwegian and Finnish, I've been focusing more on Irish lately.

Here, I like to share words I've learned in the various languages I'm studying.


J.H. Fleming's Patreon

Want more regular updates and sneak peeks at books I'm working on? Consider joining my Patreon! I typically post once a week and share snippets of drafts once a month.

And that's not all!

I also post exclusive short stories and plan to start sharing regular music-related videos. I'll have more news about that once I have the details ironed out. I hope to see you there!

Don’t want to subscribe but still want to support me? Consider donating through Ko-fi! The site offers one-time donations of whatever amount you like. I also share microfictions there.

J.H. Fleming's Ko-fi

Get in Touch

J.H. Fleming

I'm always happy to answer questions about my books, about writing in general, or whatever else strikes your fancy. Send me a message!

Thanks for reading!